Monday 18 November 2013

Alternative Lyrics to Well Known Songs 12 - Born Joyful

[Pre-amble: This is one in a series of posts which includes an alternative set of lyrics to a well known song.  Each post will also contain a short introduction to the topic at hand, and a brief explanation of the song itself.  A video of the original song will be included so that the reader can listen to the original song while reciting the alternative lyrics at the same time.]

The Song: Born Joyful (based on 'Born Slippy' by Underworld)
Life was intended to be a joyous thing, but somewhere along the line, we might occasionaly forget this.  We might be tempted by someone who offers us a fantasy, a pipe-dream, a 'pleasure filled life', the proverbial 'streets paved with gold'.  This is what drug pushers do.  It's what advertisers do.  It's what low grade philosophers and 'life coaches' do.  It's what the perverters of 'The American Dream' do.  All of them promise you over-whelming joy, but unlike Gods unconditional love, they promise it to you 'on a condition': so long as you go over to 'the other side of the valley'.  But this promise of greener pastures is just a nefarious ploy, a plan hatched by an evil schemer to suck you in and turn you into an unwitting slave to your own pleasures.  Once you've realised that the promise of 'a better life' was a lie, you're neck deep in the shit.  You've been sucked into a quagmire, you need to get out of it, and one way of doing that is with brute force: sheer bloody mindedness.  You need to smash the schemer, the drug-pusher, and force your way to freedom; back to the joyous world that your once knew.  Then you can live the life that you wanted: the joy-filled one.

Play the song, and if you can make sense of the lyrics (by the way, the original lyrics aren't coherent eitherLINK) then sing along in your head (or out loud if so inclined):

# Born Joyful #
Good day great day..
Top of the morning day.
It was a sunny day.
It was a fantastic day.
It was a beautiful day.
And smiles day.
And all going fabulous day.
You had,
Great son day.
Daughter day.
You had family day
And a great place to live.
And laughed all the day.
It was joy all over, all over.
All smiled at you day.

Good day great day.
Top of the morning day.
It was a sunny day.
It was a fantastic day.
It was a beautiful day.
And smiles day.
And all going fabulous day.
You had,
Great son day.
Daughter day.
You had family day
And a great place to live.
And laughed all the day.
It was joy all over, all over.
All smiled at you day.

You got tempted by a ploy.
By an evil scheme ploy.
Total nefarious wicked drug schemer.
Schemer wants your soul and all your laughter.
Trap you in his ploy.
His evil ploy,
His drug addict ploy dog.
Dirty sick addict ploy.
Make you sick ploy.
Big big time ploy.
Generation ploy.
To get your babes and babes and babes.
Make you 'member nothing ploy.
Make you his bitch ploy and get.
Dead like an slave.

You get so sick of it.
You want to rebel right against it.
Hateful and angry.
Wrathful and hot inside.
On your mind-phone line.
And Wod and everything.
On your mind-phone.
And in walk an angel.

And you get up your Wod.
Fighting fists in a shit
hole at Tottenham Court Road
I just come out of the shit
Fighting with the most
Blood I ever had
Beserker, 'serker. 'serker, 'serker.
Beserker, 'serker. 'serker, 'serker.
'serker. 'serker, 'serker.
'serker. 'serker, 'serker.
I'm a mega white thing.
Mega mega white thing.
Mega mega white thing.
Mega mega.
Shouting, beserker, 'serker. 'serker, 'serker.
I'm a mega white thing.
Mega mega white thing.
Nefarious schemer is now dead.
He in shit hole now.
Blood going back to Odin.
Mega mega mega going back to freedom.
Hi day are you having fun.
And now I can go on my way.
To a new freedom.

[End of Lyrics]

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